Linggo, Oktubre 7, 2012


1 kl sirloin beef cut for steak
2 tbsps soy sauce
2 tbsps calamansi juice
1 tsp. salt
2 tbsps sugar
1/2 cup water
5 tbsps oil
2 onion, cut into rings

*how to cook*
Marinate beef in calamansi juice, soy sauce, sugar, salt for 30 minutes.
Saute onion in hot oil until transparent, then transfer to a platter.
Drain beef. Fry, a few slices at a time, in the skillet used to sauce onion over medium heat until pieces of beef are brown on both side. Transfer to a platter.
Pour off excess oil in the skillet, add marinade and 1/2 cup water. Simmer for 3 minutes.
Pour sauce over meat and sauted onions on platter.